Rise Disco is an uplifting movement experience for the mind, body and spirit.


Calm your mind and ground into the present moment with a guided breathwork sequence.


Move your body and return to your true nature as you dance to uplifting music


Connect to your heart with a guided meditation to bring clarity, peace and stillness.

who is behind rise disco?

meet the

Courtney Krulis
AKA The Joy Architect

Courtney Krulis (B.Com. & B.Ed.) is a published-author, yoga teacher and Master NLP Practitioner.

Driven by a profound mission to infuse the world with joy, Courtney embodies a life philosophy that is both inspirational and transformative: "Elevate your state, elevate your life."

At the heart of her teachings is a powerful message: Joy serves as the ultimate antidote to stress. It empowers us to perceive life from an elevated perspective, enabling more insightful and positive decision-making.

Through her innovative program, Rise Disco, Courtney offers a unique approach to enhancing your emotional well-being.

This program is designed to empower individuals to forge a life grounded in love rather than fear, fostering an environment where joy and personal growth flourish.

What people are saying.

“It was just amazing! I felt high energy, loved and confident in myself.”


“It was an absolutely amazing experience. I feel so connected to myself again.”


“It was heart opening and releasing. I feel so free, alive and connected to my heart, the earth, and all the beautiful people that were here. I feel amazing.”


“I feel amazing. For the first time I feel like who I should be. Who I am. And that I belong. It was one of the most amazing experiences in my life.”


“I feel alive, really connected and tranquil. I feel a lot of peace, happiness and joy. Thank you!”


“It was such a heart-felt, opening and connecting experience. It was such a great way to remember how human we are. I was able to tap into the joy and love of movement and connection and healing. Bliss. Joy. Wow. So much fun!”


“The headphones allowed me to be with myself and express myself freely. It allowed me to be myself! I loved the way that we were led through the process of connecting and returning to love.”


Express your inner dancer - out loud!